Monday, January 15, 2007

7 Lean Marketing Laws For The Inspired Entrepreneur

The following laws will provide guidance on how to act,
think and work in a lean way. You can apply these laws to
all areas of your life, work and business to get bigger
results from the time you invest.

1. Multiple Rewards
Aim to be rewarded multiple times for a single effort. Money
can be recovered but time cannot. Time gets spent. You can't
put it in a bank and you can't earn more of it. Wherever
possible, you should look for ways to get paid/rewarded
multiple times for each hour you invest. You will never
be truly independent if your income comes from your own
time and labour so package your knowledge as a product.
Once you have aproduct you can sell your packaged
time again and again.

2. Mistakes Are Gifts
Mistakes are nothing more than "Learning Opportunities".
The best way to learn more and grow more is to make more
mistakes. Mistakes are unavoidable when you're learning so
adopt a ready, fire, aim approach to decisions and learn as
you take action. If it doesn't work you can easily make
decision to put things right again.

3. Know When To Stop
Be prepared to stop what you're doing. Take stock and try
something different. Don't let pride, fear of ridicule or
ego get in the way of good judgement. When a mission is
over, learn from it and move on.

4. Use Your Levers
Do the little things that make the biggest difference.
Aim for maximum impact with minimum effort. Focus will help
but there are other forms of leverage too. Here are just

OPT - Other People's Time. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
You don't have to do it all yourself. Use your network. Ask
and you shall receive. Give and you shall get.

Recycle - Learn to recognise value in everything you do.
Turn your ezine into a book and sell it. Write your words
of wisdom down and share them.

5. Don't Be Busy - Be Effective
Don't waste your hours simply being "busy". Being busy does
not cause you to be wealthy. So don't be busy - be
Remember the 80:20 rule. Typically 20 per cent of the things
you do will be responsible for 80 per cent of the results
you get. So focus on the 20 per cent that gets the result.

6. Always Look For The Easy Route
If there's an easy way to do something and a hard way - take
the easy way first. I call this "inspired laziness"

7. Measure Progress By What You Reap
The only truth is the result. Doing lots of things is not
the same as achieving lots of things. Measure progress by
your outcomes not your inputs.

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