Monday, January 15, 2007

Herb Filled Pillows Make Over a Million Dollars

Lauren Rosenstadt was a single mom working at a herb
company in Bethesda, Maryland. A herb (pronounced "erb") is
a plant that has medicinal, savory, or aromic qualities. One
day while at lunch with a friend whose daughter suffered
from insomnia, Lauren thought, "If I could fill a pillow
with herbs, that would be soothing and help my friend's
daughter sleep."

A few days later, Sydney Greensheep, a pillow shaped like
a sheep and filled with dried herbs, was completed. Lauren
gave Sydney to her friend to try with her daughter. The
next morning her friend reported, "It's unbelievable, she
slept like a baby!"

Insomnia is epidemic in our fast-pased American lifestyle.
40-50% of Americans complain of occasional bouts with
insomnia. 10-15 percent of the US population suffers from
chronic insomnia. Every year, as many as 10 million
Americans seek a physician's help for sleep disorders. As
many as 10,000 automobile accident deaths each year are the
result of someone falling asleep at the wheel.

Lauren showed Sydney to her boss, who was impressed enough
to provide her with space in the company's booth at a trade
show. Many trade show visitors liked the herb stuffed
pillow idea, and by the end of the show, Lauren had orders
for over 100 pillows.

Lauren hired a seamstress to sew the sheep-shaped pillows.
Then, she stuffed them herself. The trade show buyers put
the pillows on display in their shops, and within days they
all sold for between $18.00 and $22.00 each.

Encouraged by these results, Lauren sent samples to
department stores and specialty shops. Orders started
rolling in. To sew the pillows, she enlisted small home
business sewers. It was hard work to deliver bolts of
fabric and 40 pound bags of filling to their homes. Within
the first year, she grossed over half a million dollars.

Now, Lauren's Herbal Animals can be found in over 750 body
care, gift and natural living shops worldwide. Lauren's
company employs 13 people and has revenue of over a million
dollars a year.

It's interesting to note that Lauren Rosenstadt didn't
start out as a hobby seamstress or craft person. She was a
person who used her insight to help a friend confort her
daughter. After recognizing an opportunity, Lauren didn't
let up. She did the thinking and the work necessary to
achieve success.

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